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In general, the following guidelines will be observed in making awards:


  • The Trust is for the benefit of individuals who attend any institution of further or higher education

and who have lived in the area of the Bromsgrove District Council for one year (or whose parents are resident in the Bromsgrove District Council area) and who are in need of financial assistance for a specific project.

  • Applicants should be 16years or over.

  • The Trust, moreover, supports organisations whose proposals meet the object of ‘improving the quality of life for Bromsgrove inhabitants’.

  • Funding is not normally available towards the standard costs of education: 

    • NVQ’s

    • A or AS levels

    • Undergraduate or Postgraduate courses.

Nevertheless, from time to time, one-off small grants may be paid towards specific items such as books or equipment for vocational courses



The Trustees' aim, however, is not too prescriptive within the terms of reference, in order to allow as much flexibility as possible to potential applicants.



Awards will be considered at three levels:

  • Up to £500

  • Up to £2000

  • Up to £5000

General Hints & Tips:


  • Please complete ALL questions

  • If a question does not apply to your application, please state “Not Applicable”

  • Answers may be continued on a separate sheet if necessary.

  • The Trust only requires one copy of some supporting documents (e.g. most recent accounts and any other grant applications etc) and these must be submitted with your application if and where appropriate.

  • Make sure you meet the Trust’s criteria before submitting your application. 

  • A good application should be concise, communicating as much information about the project as possible in a succinct manner.

  • Do not use jargon.  Abbreviations and acronyms should NOT be used.

  • Spelling and grammar errors make an application look sloppy and unprofessional. Please paste your written answers into a word document to check them for spelling errors before submitting them.

  • Please try to make your project different and interesting.

  • Your application is the only opportunity we will have to find out about you, your organisation and your project.

  • It is confusing to read through an application where facts and figures do not add up, so make sure the information is consistent throughout. The individual cost items you request on your cost breakdown should equal the total amount that you are requesting.

  • Trustees are keen to make the grant programme available to as many individuals and organisations as possible; it is therefore unlikely that they will fund individuals or organisations in consecutive years.

  • The award of a grant for a specific project does not set a precedent for the award of grants for similar projects or for the support of similar organisations in the future.  This will depend on the amount of finance available.

  • The allocation of a grant to support any form of activity does not amount to acceptance by the Trust of responsibility for the safety aspects of an activity.

  • In the event of a successful application, please state to whom the payment should be made to.

Financial Conditions:

In order to adhere to Charity Commission guidelines and fulfil their duty to exercise due diligence in the safeguarding of charitable funding the Trustees impose a number of financial conditions on any grants awarded.  These include but may not be limited to:


  • Trustees may request further information on the financial status of applicant or organisations.

  • Any grant awarded shall be treated as a ‘one-time donation’ solely for the purpose specified in the application.

  • If the project is abandoned the money must be refunded and may not be expended on an alternative project unless with the prior agreement of the Trustees


Applicants should also note that the allocation of a grant to support any form of activity does not amount to acceptance by the Trust of responsibility for the safety aspects of an activity. These remain the responsibility of the applicant/organiser of the activity and any approved authority.

To download our Application Form click here

Forms must be submitted via email, along with two posted hard copies

Forest Trees
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