Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions:
If your application is successful, any offer of funding from the Trust will be restricted only to the purposes agreed by the Trust.
Applications are accepted on the understanding that successful organisations may appear in possible publicity that the Trust produces.
The Trust will require feedback from you, your group or organisation if you have received funding from us, within three months of the completion of the objectives of the grant. It should detail the extent to which the project has been fulfilled and include pictures where possible. Please note that this information may be placed on our Web Site.
The Trust encourages and welcomes any appropriate public acknowledgement of grants, including the use of the Trust's logo on any publicity about the grant and/or on any relevant materials that the organisation may produce.
As stipulated in the Application Form: Once complete you may email the form, including all relevant additional and supporting documentation and send two hard copies, along with all documentation.
No other form of application will be considered.